Black Feather

Black Feather

the wind called
my name
and I was scattered everywhere,
like the dandelion clock,
like a giggle in a child’s small hands
the shadow of a wolf serenaded the
ball-gowned moon
and I fell to earth, tattered
and bruised with the sea foaming in my
autumn hair and the brine etched along pale
whimsical curves, ascending and descending
the nearest horizon
blazing with the last Echo,
strangled like an imprisoned scream of
a dying cherry blossom
the stars fell in love
with a restless wanderer
and I met the Golden Buddha along the
Way, as Christ slew me with
his open Heart and I paved the road
with the Gold of Intention
the jubilant sun kissed the lips
of my original face,
and all the wells of Mecca
flowed with honey and myrrh
and the desert flowered like a mirage,
reckless with abandon,
I fell in love with You,
a raven flew by,
dancing with the raw wind,
I dropped one black feather on your prayer rug,

Author: Anna
Source: Guru Ratings

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