Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beaMorning Glory by FG2
The aim of art is to represent not the outward appLotus Bud by FG2
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
Awakening Stories
John Wheeler, May 2004, Santa Cruz
I first became aware of John Wheeler when I saw aAdyashanti
One day while meditating Adyashanti heard a birdNonduality Salon
GREG GOODE For me, attending is no more. But year
Creation the first day of creation all the elemenReal Knowledge
Real Knowledge in real knowing there is no knowerDevotion
Devotion Oh my beloved, Were it not For the wordsWords.
Words Words Are doors Through which Imagination fthe thing.
The Thing I fell in love, with a thing...that is
Questions and Answers
What is prayer?
Prayer starts when one leaves the temple. The prayIs there partial enlightenment?
With all due respect, "partial enlightment" is akiWhy is God called love?
What is the meaning of satsang?
"I find that somehow, by shifting the focus of attWhat is Enlightenment?
Neither was Buddha enlightened nor was Siddhartha
Katie Quotes
You move totally away from reality when you believHuang Po
Q: "At this moment, while erroneous thoughts are aToombaru Quotes
What is the location of a rainbow? ~ toombaru In
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